
Safeway Fresh Ideas Produce Coupons–October 2011


Look for the October Fresh Ideas produce coupon booklet at your local Safeway (or Tom Thumb, Randalls, Dominicks, Genuardis, Vons) store.  The coupons for October include:

  • Safeway Farms cut vegetables, 12 oz bag, $0.50/1
  • Fresh Express spinach, 9 oz, $2.00/1 (another high value Fresh Express coupon)
  • Safeway organic tofu, $0.50/1  (another great coupon)
  • Safeway Farms whole leaf singles, $0.50/1

You can also print these coupons online from the Tony Tantillo website (for the current month).

See the list of last month’s September 2011 Safeway Fresh Ideas produce coupons here.