
Coupon Abbreviations and Lingo

Couponing has some commonly used abbreviations and words (lingo).  It can be confusing if you are new to using coupons.  To help, here is a summary of some of the more commonly used coupon abbreviations and wording:

$1.00/1 One dollar off one item
B1G1 Buy one get one free
B2G1 Buy two get one free
Beep Noise at the register when a coupon doesn’t scan correctly
Binder Three ring folder with plastic pages.  Used to organize coupons.
Blinkie Coupon at store shelves, often from a dispenser with a blinking red light.  See a running list of blinkie coupons found at Safeway here.
BOGO Buy one get one free
Cat Catalina – a coupon that prints from a machine next to your receipt.  See a picture in this article.
Coupon policy Rules about how coupons can be used at a specific store.  See our list of links to coupon policies.
DND Do not double
Double Makes a coupon worth more – up to twice as much.  See an article on double coupons.
ECB Extra Care Bucks (at CVS)
Ecoupon Electronic coupon.  See articles on ecoupons here.
EXP Expires
FAR Free after rebate
GC Gift card
GM General Mills (Sunday newspaper coupon insert)
Insert Booklet with coupons tucked inside most Sunday newspapers
IP Internet printable coupon
MIR Mail-in rebate
Mfr Manufacturer
Moneymaker When a coupon is worth more than the cost of the item.  Wal Mart for instance gives cash back.
ONYO On your next order
OOP Out of pocket
Overage The difference between the coupon value and the item cost, if the coupon is worth more than the item.
Peelie Coupon attached to the product
P&G Proctor and Gamble (Sunday newspaper coupon insert)
Purchase Buying one item.  If a pasta coupon says “One coupon per purchase” you can use one coupon per box of pasta.  You could use two coupons if you buy two boxes of pasta.
Q Coupon
RC Raincheck
Rebate A refund after the purchase, often requires a form to be sent in with receipt and UPC codes.
Rolling When you get a catalina coupon at the register and are able to use it to purchase more of the same item
RP Red Plum (Sunday newspaper coupon insert)
RR Register rewards – a coupon that prints with your receipt at Walgreens
SCR Single check rebate (at Rite Aid)
SS Smart Source (Sunday newspaper coupon insert)
Stack Using more than one coupon on an item, for example a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon.
Stockpile An accumulation of food and household goods, often purchased during sales or cheaply with coupons.
Tearpad Coupon from store shelves, torn off from a pad.  See a running list of tearpad coupons found at Safeway here.
Transaction A group of items that you buy at the same time.  If a pasta coupon says “One coupon per transaction” you could use only one pasta coupon as you go through checkout, no matter how many boxes you buy.
+UP Plus up reward – a coupon that prints on your receipt at Rite Aid.
UPC Universal product code (bar code)
Wags Walgreens
WYB When you buy
YMMV Your mileage may vary (deal is not guaranteed to work)