Couponing has some commonly used abbreviations and words (lingo). It can be confusing if you are new to using coupons. To help, here is a summary of some of the more commonly used coupon abbreviations and wording:
$1.00/1 | One dollar off one item |
B1G1 | Buy one get one free |
B2G1 | Buy two get one free |
Beep | Noise at the register when a coupon doesn’t scan correctly |
Binder | Three ring folder with plastic pages. Used to organize coupons. |
Blinkie | Coupon at store shelves, often from a dispenser with a blinking red light. See a running list of blinkie coupons found at Safeway here. |
BOGO | Buy one get one free |
Cat | Catalina – a coupon that prints from a machine next to your receipt. See a picture in this article. |
Coupon policy | Rules about how coupons can be used at a specific store. See our list of links to coupon policies. |
DND | Do not double |
Double | Makes a coupon worth more – up to twice as much. See an article on double coupons. |
ECB | Extra Care Bucks (at CVS) |
Ecoupon | Electronic coupon. See articles on ecoupons here. |
EXP | Expires |
FAR | Free after rebate |
GC | Gift card |
GM | General Mills (Sunday newspaper coupon insert) |
Insert | Booklet with coupons tucked inside most Sunday newspapers |
IP | Internet printable coupon |
MIR | Mail-in rebate |
Mfr | Manufacturer |
Moneymaker | When a coupon is worth more than the cost of the item. Wal Mart for instance gives cash back. |
ONYO | On your next order |
OOP | Out of pocket |
Overage | The difference between the coupon value and the item cost, if the coupon is worth more than the item. |
Peelie | Coupon attached to the product |
P&G | Proctor and Gamble (Sunday newspaper coupon insert) |
Purchase | Buying one item. If a pasta coupon says “One coupon per purchase” you can use one coupon per box of pasta. You could use two coupons if you buy two boxes of pasta. |
Q | Coupon |
RC | Raincheck |
Rebate | A refund after the purchase, often requires a form to be sent in with receipt and UPC codes. |
Rolling | When you get a catalina coupon at the register and are able to use it to purchase more of the same item |
RP | Red Plum (Sunday newspaper coupon insert) |
RR | Register rewards – a coupon that prints with your receipt at Walgreens |
SCR | Single check rebate (at Rite Aid) |
SS | Smart Source (Sunday newspaper coupon insert) |
Stack | Using more than one coupon on an item, for example a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon. |
Stockpile | An accumulation of food and household goods, often purchased during sales or cheaply with coupons. |
Tearpad | Coupon from store shelves, torn off from a pad. See a running list of tearpad coupons found at Safeway here. |
Transaction | A group of items that you buy at the same time. If a pasta coupon says “One coupon per transaction” you could use only one pasta coupon as you go through checkout, no matter how many boxes you buy. |
+UP | Plus up reward – a coupon that prints on your receipt at Rite Aid. |
UPC | Universal product code (bar code) |
Wags | Walgreens |
WYB | When you buy |
YMMV | Your mileage may vary (deal is not guaranteed to work) |