
Safeway Produce Coupon Booklet–September 2011


It’s time for the September version of the Safeway Fresh Ideas produce coupon pamphlet.  This month’s coupons include:

  • Fresh Express 10 oz clamshell salads, $2.00/1  (A great high value coupon – try to match it with a sale price.)
  • Litehouse caramel dip, $0.25/1
  • Mann’s meat, cheese, and veggie tray, $1.00/1
  • Fresh Gourmet Crunch Toppings, $0.50/2

Look for this free produce flyer with coupons and recipes in your local Safeway, Vons, Genuardis, Dominicks, Randalls, or Tom Thumb store.  You can also get printable versions of these same coupons from the Tony Tantillo website for the current month.

See our list of August 2011 Fresh Ideas coupons here.