
Books About Couponing - Free with Google Books

Google Books gives you free access to books about couponing.  Sometimes it is the whole book, other times only a few chapters.  There is so much information in these books - both beginning and experienced couponers will find something of use.

Here’s how to find these couponing books:

1.  Head to the Google home page, choose “Books” from under the “More” tab in the header (see the pink arrow in the picture below).  Or use this link: Google Books to go there directly.google_books

2.  In the search box, type in some relevant words.  For books about couponing, you could type in:

  • coupon
  • couponing
  • books about couponing
  • grocery
  • save shopping

and get results like the following example (books from Coupon Mom and Coupon Queen):


Click on a coupon book of interest and start reading.  There will be a link to “Contents” at the top of the online book page.  If Google Books has highlighted (in yellow) your search term through the book text, you can remove that by clicking “Clear search” on the right side of the screen (mid-way down).

Some couponing books on Google will be complete online.  Others will have missing chapters or pages - they hope you will purchase the book to get the full story.  You can do that, but you certainly can get a lot of coupon learning done with the free book offerings also.