
Whole Foods - Prime Now: How to Return/Refund an Item

Six bags of groceries arrived one Sunday morning from a Whole Foods and Amazon Prime Now delivery.  One of those bags contained a beautiful green baby watermelon. It looked fine on the outside, but when we sliced it open it was spoiled and rotten. What to do?

This was our first time we had a problem with an item delivered through this Whole Foods delivery service. We went through the steps to get a return or refund:
  • Sign in to your account on the Amazon Prime Now website (https://primenow.amazon.com). In the upper right of the screen, click on "Your orders". Look for the order date that had a problem, and click "Return/Refund".

  • Then, check the box next to the item that was bad, and provide a reason for the return.  The reasons given as options might not match your problem exactly, so just choose one that fits best.  For my Whole Foods watermelon I chose "item defective or doesn't work".

  • Next, a message will tell you the result.  For my watermelon, I didn't need to return it.  Instead Whole Foods Amazon Prime went right to refunding the cost of the watermelon.