
Consumer News–Week of March 14

Here’s the news that caught our eye this week:

salt_rush-Residents of countries near the Japan nuclear crisis are clearing salt from grocery shelves, in the belief that the iodine in iodized salt will protect from radiation.  However, the experts note that table salt has low amounts of iodine, and you’d have to eat 250 tablespoons of table salt a day to get enough to protect from radiation.

-Wal Mart’s release of a new coupon policy led to an article in the Wall Street Journal.   The new policy is unique because it specifically allows “overage”.  In other words, if your coupon is for $1.00 off and the price of the item is $0.75, then the Wal Mart cashier will give you a quarter back.

-Groupon, the firm that offers online coupons, started offering their Groupons in China yesterday.  The article notes that Groupon is facing stiff competition in the coming year from Living Social and other start-ups.

-Winn-Dixie is planning to apply a protective antibacterial treatment to its grocery carts that would last for months.

-Despite the recession, sales of organic food and organic health and beauty products are strong.  Whole Foods took advantage of that demand, opening 16 new stores last year.