Rite Aid’s Wellness Plus program is very coupon-friendly. When you combine manufacturer coupons, Rite Aid coupons, +UP coupons, Single Check Rebates, and sales, you can walk out of the store having only spent pennies. More about all those details later, but here’s an example of a Rite Aid store trip:
The cashews were on clearance for $0.79 each. The Brita filters and Sunmaid raisins were also on sale. We gave the cashier both a $3 off $15 Rite Aid coupon and a $20 +UP coupon that lowered our total to $0.33 (thirty-three cents). On top of that, we’ll also receive a $5 rebate from Rite Aid in the mail (a “Single Check Rebate”) for purchasing the filters. Receipt is below, with total price circled: