The DiGiorno Pizza Dipping Strips are a good deal at Safeway this week. Everything in the picture cost $5.19, plus I got a $5 coupon off new frozen items and a $2.50 coupon for two DiGiorno Dipping Strips pizzas. My Safeway doubles coupons by deducting an extra 50 cents for each manufacturer coupon (your Safeway may have different double coupon rules). Here are the coupon details:
DiGiorno Dipping Strips, on sale for $5.00, buy 2
Use previous $5 frozen catalina coupon
Final cost: $5.00 for both, plus get $5 frozen catalina and $2.50 DiGiorno coupon
The frozen catalina prints when you buy $10 in frozen items ($15 in some stores – check your weekly ad.) If I go back again and use those coupons, my next two pizzas would be:
DiGiorno Dipping Strips, on sale for $5.00, buy 2
Use previous $5 new frozen coupon and $2.50 DiGiorno coupon
Final cost: $2.50 for 2 pizzas, plus get $5 frozen catalina (and possibly another $2.50 DiGiorno coupon?)
Even better, there is an in-ad coupon that makes the DiGiorno $4.49 instead of $5. I haven’t yet tested if the frozen catalina will print if you use that, or if you need to add another frozen item to keep your frozen total above $10.
Snyders Pretzels, on sale for $1.69 with in-ad coupon
Use double coupon and $1.00/1 coupon from Chinook Book (Note: the Snyders coupon in the 2/26 Smart Source insert did not match varieties on sale at my store)
Final cost: $0.19
Otherwise, a few items from last week are still on sale at Safeway this week, like the Think Thin bars, Dole Fruit Crisp, and 8lb bags of oranges. Safeway also has some toiletries on sale this week for 99 cents, including:
- Arrid XX Antiperspirant
- Arm & Hammer Ultra Max Antiperspirant Deodorant
- Suave Green Apple Naturals Shampoo
- Alberto VO5 Kiwi Lime Conditioner
- Always Thin Liners
- U by Kotex Liners
- Dial Hand Soap
- Softsoap (Juicy Melon)
- Ivory Liquid Hand Soap
- Nivea Lip Care SPF 30
- Safeway Dental Floss, 100 yd
For more tips on shopping at Safeway, see our Safeway coupon guide.